Regarding the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip and its surroundings

Statement of the Organization of the Communist Alternative in Iraq

Militants affiliated with the Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas attacked at dawn on Saturday, October 7, 2023, in an operation that took by surprise cities in Israel by land, sea and air, especially the settlements adjacent to the Gaza Strip, in a specific operation that led, up to the time of preparing this statement, to the killling of hundreds of soldiers and civilians in Israel, thousands have been wounded, unknown numbers being captured, and many military vehicles destroyed. On the other hand, the Israeli government responded, as usual, by bombing the Gaza Strip with aircraft and artillery, which led to the destruction of many residential units, the killing of hundreds, and the wounding of thousands of civilians.

One of the developments in this battle is the entry of Lebanese Hezbollah into this conflict following its bombing this morning of the Shebaa Farms located on the border between Lebanon and Israel, and in return the Israeli artillery bombardment of Lebanon.

This operation is another link in a series of battles that took place and are constantly taking place between the two parties, and its direct causes are due to the criminal practices and repeated daily attacks committed by the security forces and the army in Israel, under the command of the right-wing chauvinist government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, against the Palestinians in various regions of Palestine.

The continuation of the ruling bourgeois establishment in Israel and its successive governments in oppressing and persecuting the Palestinians, occupying more of their lands, and intensifying its expansionist and settlement policies as an arrogant militaristic state, is the main reason behind all the shedding of civilian blood of people in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Israel, previously and at the present time. It is the main cause of all these tragedies that have become inherent to the existence of the State of Israel until now. It is also the fertile ground on which Arab nationalist chauvinist trends and political Islam trends such as Hamas, Jihad, and others grow, and their dominance over the masses in Palestine and the rest of the countries of the Middle East region.

The normalisation process between Israel and some Arab countries, the ongoing, almost hidden relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the possibility of the latter’s participation in the normalisation process, created a new political climate in the Middle East region, such that there was no room left for the Islamic Republic of Iran and its ally, the Hamas movement, but to influence the situation in its favor through military action, without the slightest concern for the resulting killings of civilians in Israel and the Gaza Strip.

The imperialist countries, led by the United States of America, all rushed to support and aid the right-wing government in Israel and support it in this battle, giving free rein to unleash its destructive & murderous military machine in Gaza, and turning a blind eye to its daily criminal practices against innocent people in Palestine.

With the start of this military attack by Hamas , the Israeli government announced that it was in a state of war in order to justify its massacres against the Palestinians and to implement other unannounced strategies with the possibility of expanding the current circle of war. The expansion of the scope of this war and the resulting new tragedies for the masses in Palestine, Israel and the region are among the possible outcomes, especially in light of a deep crisis experienced by the ruling regimes in them, and in an atmosphere of intensifying tensions & the geopolitical and geoeconomic interests of the various imperial and regional powers in the region.

History has proven that the solution to a complex and intertwined issue such as the Palestinian issue does not come through wars and the practice of violence by one party against another, because each of these two parties has its own goals that have nothing to do with the essence of the issue. The Israeli government does not have any program to recognize the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, while the Hamas movement also seeks to establish an Islamic emirate not only in the Gaza Strip, but also in all parts of Palestine, and this is evident through its practice of ruling the Strip since 2005.

Those who pay the price for all these tragedies and woes are the workers, toilers and innocent civilians on both sides. They are the only ones who have no interest in these wars and their only demand is the right to live in security and peace in the region, and this can only come, at the present time, through the two-state solution. The State of Palestine, like Israel, will enjoy full sovereignty.

While we condemn this war and the process of killing innocent people on both sides, we stand in solidarity with the oppressed masses in Palestine and the emancipatory people in Israel who have an interest in finding a peaceful solution to the question of Palestine, and we call for an immediate end to this war.



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